John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series: Dr. Christina Bonsell: "Advancing ecosystem knowledge for management decisions in the Alaskan Arctic Ocean"
About the Speaker:
Dr. Christina Bonsell is a marine ecologist interested in how seasonal variability and climactic change relates to ecosystem structure and function. Her research uses field studies and long-term data analysis to understand physio-ecological linkages in the coastal ocean. Her work on Arctic kelp beds acts as a benchmark for an ecosystem experiencing rapid climate change, but also provides valuable hydrographic information about an area leased for oil development.
Through the Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research program, she oversaw the creation of ecological and hydrographic timeseries to understand the role of strong Arctic seasonality in ecosystem resilience. At the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, she now develops and supports research to inform management of the US Outer Continental Shelf.
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