**Keynote begins at 14:30**
Bettina Ng'weno
At the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, we were struck by the glaring inequalities made visible by Covid 19. At the university level, inequalities among students, faculty, and staff as well as between universities and regions and of course throughout the pipeline to university. In light of this, many people also dreamed that another world was possible and that if there was one thing we could do with this pandemic, it was to build a better world on the other side. None of us imagined we would still be stolidly within the problem today. But can we now imagine a better world? And what would it mean for teaching and university education more generally? How would it make us rethink how and what we teach going forward? This talk explores this rethinking through reflecting on personal lessons learned for and from teaching during the pandemic and thinking forward to teaching back in person and hopefully one day post-pandemic teaching.
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