In this workshop, participants will learn a few of the many options for visualizing spatial data in R. Participants should have an introductory understanding of R and have R installed on their computer to be able to follow along with the materials. This short tutorial will show how to work with several different data types (i.e., csv, shp, geopackage) using the powerful {sf} package to make an aesthetically pleasing and layered map worthy of publication or presentation.
Leaner Objective: Learn which R packages are useful for visualizing spatial dataPrerequisites: Some prior knowledge of R will be helpful, but any and all levels are welcome! Having a current installation of R/RStudio and {sf}, {tmap}, {ggplot2}, {ggspatial}, {dplyr}, {mapview}, {USAboundaries} packages.
Participants should plan to have the following for the workshop:
- Have installed R and R studio on their computer
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