25:03duration 25 minutes 3 seconds
From batchUser
33:34duration 33 minutes 34 seconds
05:28duration 5 minutes 28 seconds
14:52duration 14 minutes 52 seconds
From Rootstock Breeder to Grant Manager: Working…
From Rootstock Breeder to Grant Manager: Working in the Pest Management Grants Program at the Department of Pesticide Regulation
18:38duration 18 minutes 38 seconds
From cranberry marshes to valley vineyards
From ATS Video
21:47duration 21 minutes 47 seconds
Snapshots from Chile
14:07duration 14 minutes 7 seconds
Grape Breeding and Genetics: Adventure,…
Grape Breeding and Genetics: Adventure, Application, Aspiration, and Andy Walker
16:38duration 16 minutes 38 seconds
UC Grape collection: Past and future
13:47duration 13 minutes 47 seconds
Species Boundaries in Vitis
20:34duration 20 minutes 34 seconds
Go East Young Man: How Andy Walker prepared me…
Go East Young Man: How Andy Walker prepared me to succeed in the wild west of eastern viticulture
17:22duration 17 minutes 22 seconds
How to play in the dirt and still make a living
05:21duration 5 minutes 21 seconds
A Former Student’s Perspective on the…
A Former Student’s Perspective on the Career of Andy Walker
15:05duration 15 minutes 5 seconds
Andy Walker, long road trips, Phylloxera…
Andy Walker, long road trips, Phylloxera reproduction, and best paper awards
09:04duration 9 minutes 4 seconds
Welcome and Introduction
11:07duration 11 minutes 7 seconds
Completely random observations and probability of…
Completely random observations and probability of the career of Dr. Andy Walker
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