John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series:
Dr. Colleen Burge: Gone viral, the global emergence of an oyster-killing
virus and its potential impacts on the shellfish industry
About the Speaker:
Colleen is a native to the US West Coast where she grew up on the shores
of Hood Canal learning marine ecology from a young age. Dr. Burge is a
Research Scientist Supervisor 1 for the California Department of Fish
& Wildlife running two research laboratories: the Shellfish Health
Laboratory at the University of California Davis Bodega Marine
Laboratory and the Fisheries Genetics Laboratory in Sacramento.
Colleen's research has often brought her to BML, including field
experiments conducted in collaboration with shellfish farmers in Tomales
Bay. Colleen received her BS (2002) and PhD (2010) in Aquatic &
Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington. Colleen held two
postdoctoral positions; her first was in the Department of Ecology &
Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University and the second in the School
of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington.
Colleen was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Marine and
Environmental Technology with dual appointments at University of
Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Marine Biotechnology and the
University of Maryland Baltimore, Department of Immunology &
Microbiology (Dec. 2014-June 2021). Colleen was promoted to Associate
Professor at UMBC before her departure. Colleen's research focuses on
marine host-pathogen-environment interactions including disease ecology,
organismal physiology and immunology, and development of disease
diagnostics. Colleen expects to continue research in this focus as head
of the Shellfish Health Laboratory at BML in the support of shellfish in
the state of California.
For more information about the Bodega Marine Laboratory, please visit