John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series:
Jesús Pineda: "Larval transport and dispersal in the nearshore:
processes and breakthroughs for understanding population response to a
changing ocean"
About the Speaker:
As a boy, Jesús Pineda traveled each summer from his home in Mexico City
to his grandmother’s ranch in central Mexico, where he fished for
catfish from a local river. That interest spurred a biology and
oceanography career, and he quickly found barnacles, sea anemones,
clams, and other creatures without backbones more intriguing than fish.
After earning degrees in biological oceanography and marine ecology at
Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas (UABC) and at Centro de
Investigatión Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE) in
Mexico, he completed doctoral studies in oceanography at the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography. He joined WHOI as a Postdoctoral Scholar
before becoming a Senior Scientist.
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