John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series
: "Sea Level Rise Science to Adaptation: Beaches as Buffers"
About the Speaker:
Melodie Grubbs, M.S., is a Science, Research & Policy Specialist at
USC Sea Grant. As a coastal scientist, Ms. Grubbs is focused on helping
communities prepare for and adapt to changing climate conditions,
coastal hazards, and sea level rise. Ms. Grubbs specializes in physical
coastal processes and dynamics, remote sensing, and geospatial analysis.
Previously she served as the Director of Watershed Programs at The Bay
Foundation where she developed, led, and implemented coastal habitat
restoration and living shoreline projects. Ms. Grubbs also has
experience at sea, serving as a scientist and chief mate on board an
oceanographic research vessel.
Ms. Grubbs holds a M.S. in Geographic Information Science and Technology
from USC and a B.S. in Meteorology from the University of Hawaii at
Manoa. At USC, her research focused on using remote sensing data to
detect beach sediment changes associated with El Nino periods in
Southern California.
For more information about the Bodega Marine Laboratory, please visit