John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series:
Dr. Maggie Sogin: "Metabolites shape host-microbe interactions in the
About the Speaker:
Maggie is an Assistant Professor in the Molecular Cell Biology
Department at UC Merced since January 2021.
Maggie’s research interests are centered towards understanding
host-microbial interactions in marine taxa. She completed her PhD in Dr.
Ruth Gates Laboratory at the University of Hawaii and the Hawaii
Institute of Marine Biology. During her time in Hawaii, she developed
and applied metabolomic techniques towards understanding the microbial
interactions in reef-building corals.
After completing her PhD, she joined Dr. Nicole Dubilier’s Department of
Symbiosis at the Max Planck Insitute for Marine Microbology in Bremen,
Germany. During her time at the MPI, she developed a strong interested
in exploring how seagrasses modify their habitat to influence the
microbial community living in their rhizospheres. She also became
involved in projects exploring the biology of chemosymbioses in both
gutless worms and deep-sea mussels.
When outside of the lab and field environments, Maggie enjoys rock
climbing, surfing, and camping.
For more information about the Bodega Marine Laboratory, please visit