Brian Pitts, an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, and the Director of Online Learning at the UC Davis School of Medicine, will be on campus to talk to us about different approaches to deliver video instruction, with a focus on a tool called Panopto. The Panopto for education website promises that Panopto “offers educators the most cost-effective, easy-to-use solution for flipping the classroom, lecture capture, video management, and more.” I look forward to seeing what we can learn from the experiments and discoveries of Professor Pitts and his colleagues in the School of Medicine.
I recently interviewed Chris Kuczewski at Panopto about his company’s offerings. He says, “We hear on a regular basis that faculty members love the ease of use of our software, students love the ability to search within videos, and admins love the ability to control so many different aspects of the system.”
Cheryl Diermyer, Instructional Designer with Academic Technology Services, will provide us a sample of the work that she has been doing with esteemed Brewing and Malting Professor Charlie Bamforth. Diermyer has been helping Bamforth and others transform his Brewing and Beer (FST 3) course into an online offering. She will have slides and video to share.
If we have time, we will also enjoy a clickers / PRS update from Instructional Technologist Fernando Socorro.