This intermediate R workshop focuses on how to find and fix bugs in
your R code, as well as how to make code more reliable and efficient in
the first place. We’ll cover how to raise and handle messages, warnings
and errors in R, how to use R’s built-in debugger, and how to estimate
or measure the performance of your code. We’ll also discuss programming
strategies you can use to help keep your code efficient and bug-free!
This workshop is NOT an introduction to R and
is intended for motivated intermediate to advanced learners from all
domains at UC Davis who want to hone their R skills. Please make sure
you meet the prerequisites before registering as we will be unable to
answer introductory R questions during this session. (Want to brush up
on R? Check out our R Basics 4-part introductory series.)
Prerequisites: Participants must have taken DataLab’s “R Basics” workshop series
and/or have prior experience using R, be comfortable with basic R
syntax, and have the latest versions of R and RStudio pre-installed and
running on their laptops.
Instructors: Nick Ulle is a statistician and computer scientist. Prior to DataLab
he was a visiting assistant professor of Statistics at UC Berkeley,
where he designed and taught courses in data science. During his PhD in
Statistics at UC Davis, he developed source code analysis techniques for
the R programming language. His research interests include statistical
computing, programming languages, data visualization, and pedagogy. Wesley Brooks holds a Statistics Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He works at the DataLab as a Data Scientist.
The copyright on
this video is owned by the Regents of the University of California and is
licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0) License.