Find it … at the UC Libraries: Tips on using UC Libraries setting of
UC Library Search to locate music materials
Use this UC-wide setting if: UCD print copy checked out OR on RESERVES; OR
not owned at UCD
- Getting to what is NOT at UCD
- Delivery option: InterLibrary REQUEST
Copyright & ebooks – limits on whole-book lending UNLESS
Open Access
Purchase recommendation form on Library Music Subject Guide
- Subject searching, various field search options - black composers
- ILL or Purchase recommendation
- If multiple records for the same work – often online vs. print
copy or variant cataloging
- Use no more than 2-3 filters (due to large size of
UC-wide catalog)
- RLF (Regional Library Facility) holdings listing – UCD
titles in NRLF (Northern RLF) – look under UCB listing
- Advanced search tips
Wildcarding and phrase searching (with entire UC setting, be
conservative in wildcarding; use phrase searching more)
- Format – scores - Form subdivisions >> GO to
MUSIC Subject Guide; books/eBooks
- LC
Classification Outline for M (NOT browsable in UC-wide setting)
- Mediums of Performance Full Thesaurus - A clarinet to zūrna
- Composer searching when multiple people with the same name