Accelerator Physics Lectures

Created by Eric Prebys4 ItemsUpdated May 08, 2020
This is a series of lectures on basic accelerator physics lectures given to students and staff at the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at UC Davis. It consists of three topics: (1) Introduction and Transverse Motion (most of the material), (2) Longitudinal Motion, and (3) Axially Varying Field (AVF) Isochronous Cyc… Show More
This is a rerecording of the first lecture and a half of the basic accelerator physics sequence for students and staff at Crocker Nuclear Laboratory.
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This is the second in a series of accelerator physics lectures given to students and staff at the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at UC Davis, given on April 24th, 20
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Third of four accelerator lectures to the students at Crocker Nuclear Lab.  This covers the end of transverse motion, and most of longitudinal motion.
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Last of the accelerator physics lectures.  Covers the end of longitudinal motion, and the rest is specific to cyclotrons.
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