02:34:52duration 2 hours 34 minutes
Mini Medical School 2018 Week 5: 2018-03-03
Lecture 1: Heart Disease-What Every Woman (and Man) Should Know – John C. Rutledge, M.D., Lecture 2: For Mature Eyes Only – Jeffrey Caspar, M.D.
02:33:09duration 2 hours 33 minutes
Mini Medical School 2018 Week 4: 2018-02-24
Saturday February 24, 2018 Stroke—Kwan Ng, M.D.,Ph.D. What's Healthy Brain Aging—Charles DeCarli, M.D.
02:30:05duration 2 hours 30 minutes
Mini Medical School Week 6 - 3-11-17
Saturday, MARCH 11, 2017 Lecture 1: The Science of Sleep – Matthew Chow, M.D., Lecture 2: What’s New in Cardiology 2017 – Charles Whitcomb, M.D., Lecture 3: Vascular Health:…