26:13duration 26 minutes 13 seconds
00:58duration 58 seconds
UFWH 2021 - Hollen Terry_Auburn University and…
UFWH 2021 - Hollen Terry_Auburn University and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
01:24:09duration 1 hour 24 minutes
ECS 289A Lecture 9b
08:24duration 8 minutes 24 seconds
Industrial Formation of Alcohols
17:21duration 17 minutes 21 seconds
Kinetics and Catalysts
18:12duration 18 minutes 12 seconds
Ruimeng Wang Research Talk (2020 Larock…
Ruimeng Wang Research Talk (2020 Larock Conference, Physical/Analytical Presentation #2)
Title: Theoretical Investigation of the Catalytic…