07:45duration 7 minutes 45 seconds
ECS 220 5b:6.6-1 Ladner's theorem, existence…
ECS 220 5b:6.6-1 Ladner's theorem, existence of NP-intermediate problems
07:58duration 7 minutes 58 seconds
ECS 220 4c:6.3-1 problems not in P and a natural…
ECS 220 4c:6.3-1 problems not in P and a natural problem in EXP - P
03:40duration 3 minutes 40 seconds
ECS 220 3a:2-5.3 Tromino Domino-Tiling
03:43duration 3 minutes 43 seconds
ECS 120 8c:4 Cook-Levin Theorem if P neq NP, then…
ECS 120 8c:4 Cook-Levin Theorem if P neq NP, then no NP-complete problem is in P