06:51duration 6 minutes 51 seconds
Section 3.4 Prob 58: Sensitivity of the eye to…
Section 3.4 Prob 58: Sensitivity of the eye to brightness
Using the quotient rule to study how pupil area…
06:41duration 6 minutes 41 seconds
Section 3.5 Prob 88: Adiabatic Gas Expansion
Related rates problem -- finding rate of change…
04:16duration 4 minutes 16 seconds
Section 3.5 Prob 90: von Bertalanffy revisited
Calculating rate of change of mass of a fish…
06:00:49duration 6 hours 0 minutes
Conesa Lab members teach SQANTI3, IsoAnnot, and…
09:12duration 9 minutes 12 seconds
Sinusoidal Response of Circuits (Part 3: Applying…
Sinusoidal Response of Circuits (Part 3: Applying Phasor Transform)