Search for tag: "digits"

ECS20 - W22 - Lecture 2 (1R): Logic 1

Familiar sets and operators on them. The boolean domain and basic operators on booleans (AND, OR, NOT). Representing numbers in binary, and in other bases. Can you represent anything you care about…

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From  Phil Rogaway 0 likes 161 plays 0  

ECS 120 2a:5 example of regex matching double literals

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From  David Doty 1 likes 263 plays 0  

MHI 289I, Fall 2020, Lecture #19

This is a recording of the nineteenth lecture, recorded by Zoom.

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From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 27 plays 0  

MHI 289I, Fall 2020, Lecture #14

This is a recording of the fourteenth lecture, recorded by Zoom

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From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 14 plays 0