Search for tag: "entrepreneurship"

Thursday Thoughts: February 17, 2022

Thursday Thoughts with Chancellor Gary May about Aggie Square

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From  Tatiana Muniz 0 likes 6 plays 0  

From Physics to Entrepreneurship: Highlighting the Career Trajectory of Yatish Mishra

Yatish Mishra's story shows how a solid education and experience can open doors to diverse and successful careers. After earning an Applied Physics degree from UC Davis, Yatish transitioned into…

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From  Lloyd Knox 0 likes 42 plays 0  

Clip of HSI Summit Pt. 1 - "Welcome and Meeting Overview" (10 min 18 sec)

HSI Summit Pt. 1 - A Cal to Action + AI EducationSession: Welcome and Meeting OverviewLength: 10 min 18 sec Presenter: Dr. Damon Tull, Director, Industry Alliances, UC Davis Graduate School of…

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From  Christopher Lawrence 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Preparing Change Makers: Undergraduate Excellence

UC Davis has created a hands-on educational experience that develops the entrepreneurial minded, globally competent, critical thinkers required to be the next generation of great leaders. At this…

From  Jessie De La Trinidad 0 likes 33 plays