Search for tag: "errors"

Underfitting v. Overfitting (1)

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From  Melinda Livas 0 likes 8 plays 0  


Data cleaning can be a time consuming aspect of research. Join us for look at Loofah, a tool to help researchers clean their data. Data Loofah was developed within the UCD Clinical &…

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From  Christy Navarro 0 likes 20 plays 1  

Meeting 4-20-21: Diamond Mesh MZI-based Optical Processor

Dr. Farhad Shokraneh goes over his recent work on an optical processor for neural networks, and describes the features which make this architecture more fault- and loss-tolerant than other similar…

From  Luis El Srouji 0 likes 32 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 1.5 - Describing Data - Precision and Accuracy

How can we report our results in a meaningful way? How do we convey how close measurements are to one another, or how close they are to an expected value? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not distribute…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 376 plays 0  

eDNA Symposium - Panel and QA - Jan 29th 2020

Kristy Deiner, Rachel Meyer, Chris Jerde, Gordon Luikart, Caren Goldberg, Margaret Hunter, Ted Sommer

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 44 plays 0