Search for tag: "estimate"

Xueheng Shi P.h.D. - Changepoint Analysis in Time Series Data Past and Present

CeDAR (Center for Data science and Artificial intelligence Research) and UCD4IDS (UC Davis TETRAPODS Institute for Data Science) held their first joint conference in person on Friday, December 2,…

From  Hasina Mamtaz 0 likes 49 plays 0  

ARE/ECN 115A: Selection Bias and RCTs SUPPLEMENT

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From  Travis Lybbert 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Lecture 7.5 - SCC

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From  Michael Springborn 0 likes 55 plays 0  

Section 4.2 Prob 10

Plotting data, concavity, estimating first and second derivatives from data

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From  Jeffrey Nichols 0 likes 267 plays 0  

Section 3.2 #35 - Malarial Parasites (Estimating Derivatives)

Estimating the value of the derivative from a table of function values from malarial parasite population data

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From  Carl Corcoran 0 likes 373 plays 0