59:09duration 59 minutes 9 seconds
Lecture 16- Global Nutrition Policies &…
Lecture 16- Global Nutrition Policies & Programs: Ethiopia's Multisectoral Nutrition Strategy
NUT 219B Global Nutrition Policies and Programs…
02:35duration 2 minutes 35 seconds
How Plant Cells Divide (Cytokinesis)
Plant cells divide by building a wall inside an…
Video S2. Narrated cytokinesis animation by…
04:16duration 4 minutes 16 seconds
ECS 120 5a:2 definition of separating extension…
ECS 120 5a:2 definition of separating extension and L-equivalence
15:52duration 15 minutes 52 seconds
ECS 120 10b:2 the real numbers are uncountable…
ECS 120 10b:2 the real numbers are uncountable and the Continuum Hypothesis
09:04duration 9 minutes 4 seconds
ECS 120 7a:2 definition of P, encoding of data…
ECS 120 7a:2 definition of P, encoding of data structures
02:12duration 2 minutes 12 seconds
PLS100BL Lab 2 Plant Cell Expansion Experimental…
PLS100BL Lab 2 Plant Cell Expansion Experimental Demo 1
Quick demo of the experimental setup for Lab 2…