"Understanding Brain Cell Communication--from a biochemistry perspective."
Saturday February 24, 2018
Stroke—Kwan Ng, M.D.,Ph.D.
What's Healthy Brain Aging—Charles DeCarli, M.D.
"The Path is Made by Walking: Diverse Paths to Science Fuel Creativity and Help Communities"
"Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar." - Antonio…
The School of Veterinary Medicine: Molecular Biosciences presents Dr. Byron Ford: Neuregulin-1 as a Countermeasure against Organophosphate Nerve Agents and Neuroinflammation.
Saturday, FEBRUARY 25, 2017
9am: The Aging Mind – Theresa Harvath, Ph.D.
10am: Skin & Aging – Oma Agbai, M.D.
The Science and Consequences of Concussions: Shedding Light on CTE Disease