Search for tag: "optimality"


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From  Acadia Larsen 0 likes 5 plays 0  


Discussion of simplex method with respect to convergence, degeneracy of pivots, pivot rules, and optimality. Improvement of theorems in previous lectures so now we can guarantee that the simplex…

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From  Acadia Larsen 0 likes 5 plays 0  


Simplex method computations with a discussion of dictionaries and corresponding solutions.

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From  Acadia Larsen 0 likes 5 plays 0  

MAT 168 Optimization lecture-2023-02-27

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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 22 plays 0  

MAT 168 Optimization lecture-2023-02-24

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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 11 plays 0  

2020-11-30: Logical and mixed 0/1 modeling (MAT 168 Optimization)

Modeling logical AND using 4 no-good inequalities from the truth table; or using 3 facet-defining inequalities. Mixed 0/1 modeling: Extended formulations of models with fixed charge costs or…

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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 30 plays 0  

2020-11-16: LP duality, complementarity (MAT 168 Optimization)

Dual (complementary) basis; dual dictionary, negative transpose property of the dictionary pair; complementarity of primal and basic dual solutions; dual simplex method; complementary slackness…

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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 44 plays 0  

2020-10-28: LP pivot rules, fundamental theorem (MAT 168 Optimization)

Pivot rules. Unboundedness. The simplex method with lexicographic perturbation and a deterministic pivot rule as an algorithm. Fundamental theorem of linear optimization. Preview of LP development…

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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 46 plays 0