14:52duration 14 minutes 52 seconds
From Rootstock Breeder to Grant Manager: Working…
From Rootstock Breeder to Grant Manager: Working in the Pest Management Grants Program at the Department of Pesticide Regulation
Andy Viet Nguyen, Environmental Scientist, Pest Management Grants Program, CA Department of Pesticide Regulation
01:06:33duration 1 hour 6 minutes
43:38duration 43 minutes 38 seconds
01:26:28duration 1 hour 26 minutes
Wk 8 - Lecture and Discussion Video
59:28duration 59 minutes 28 seconds
China Lecture Recording 2
05:00duration 5 minutes 0 seconds
The Art of Science: Female Hunters of the Early…
The Art of Science: Female Hunters of the Early Americas
Produced by Academic Technology Services. This video highlights a recent illustration created by ATS artist Matt Verdolivo. Matt created the artwork in collaboration with UC Davis Assistant Professor…
05:50duration 5 minutes 50 seconds
module 5, video 4, Music 107B