Search for tag: "pigeons"

ECS20 - W22 - Lecture 15 (8T): Integers and the Pigeonhole Principle

Lecture 2022-02-22. Three statements of the pigeonhole principle (PHP) and quite a few examples of its use. Reviewing some number theory. The Division Theorem. Euclid's algorithm. Finding…

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From  Phil Rogaway 0 likes 90 plays 0  

ECS 120 0:6 pigeonhole principle (discrete math review)

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From  David Doty 1 likes 213 plays 0  

Breaking Barriers - Rebecca Calisi Rodriguez 01-22-2018

"The Path is Made by Walking: Diverse Paths to Science Fuel Creativity and Help Communities" "Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar." - Antonio…

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 167 plays 0