08:41duration 8 minutes 41 seconds
2018 GSM Student Speaker - Claire Halbrook - June…
2018 GSM Student Speaker - Claire Halbrook - June 16, 2018
Claire Halbrook, MBA candidate, gives the student address at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management commencement ceremony on June 16, 2018, at the Robert & Margrit Mondavi Center for the…
02:39:04duration 2 hours 39 minutes
Sawyer Seminar Series: 6/3/2013: Eduardo Viveiros…
Sawyer Seminar Series: 6/3/2013: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Marianne Lien and Debbora Battaglia
June 4, 2013
01:05:30duration 1 hour 5 minutes
Computer Science Distinguished Lectures 2012-13:…
Computer Science Distinguished Lectures 2012-13: Vipin Kumar 02-14-13
"Understanding Global Change from Data" -Vipin Kumar. Feb 14, 2013. February 14, 2013