Search for tag: "reef"

CAMPOS Research Colloquium - Anya Brown - January 11, 2023

Formal Presentation from minute 0 to 44:49, followed by Q&A and informal discussion. Speaker: Anya Brown, Assistant Professor, Department of Evolution and Ecology, Bodega Marine Laboratory,…

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From  Mariel Vazquez 0 likes 3 plays 0  

BML - Dr. Hollie Putnam: "Coping with Climate Change: Mechanisms of Carry Over Effects and Cross-Generational Plasticity in Marine Invertebrates"

John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series: Dr. Hollie Putnam: "Coping with Climate Change: Mechanisms of Carry Over Effects and Cross-Generational Plasticity in Marine…

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From  Noah Killeen 0 likes 15 plays 0  

EVE 115 W2021 Lecture 11

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From  John Stachowicz 0 likes 4 plays 0  

ESP170 L17b Marine Protected

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From  Mark Schwartz 0 likes 9 plays 0  

TH12 Nov 9-10

Marine Ecology / speed talks. First hour, day 2.

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From  Mark Schwartz 0 likes 4 plays 0  

BML - Dr. Vania Coelho: Increasing resilience to thermal stress in shallow water coral communities

Bodega Marine Laboratory John and Mary Louise Riley Seminar Series: Dr. Vania Coelho: Increasing resilience to thermal stress in shallow water coral communities For more information about the Bodega…

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From  Noah Killeen 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Storer Lecture - Terry Hughes 11-20-2008

"Unbreaking the Camel's Back: the Science of Sustaining Coral Reefs".ATS Video migrated from on 2015-07-31

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 52 plays 0