Jesse Rodriguez, candidate for the degree Master of Business Administration, gives one of the student addresses at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management commencement ceremony, June 15th, 2019 at…
This 16-minute presentation introduces concepts about aquifers and how water levels can be automatically recorded using dataloggers with pressure transducers. It also explains how a pressure…
Anjali Bhat, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Communication and English, gives the student address at the UC
Davis College of Letters & Science 7 PM commencement ceremony on June…
Caroline S. Turner, an award-winning professor of education at California State University, Sacramento, and Lincoln Professor emerita at Arizona State University gives the keynote address at the UC…
UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
In this conversation, Emeritus Professor John Eisele discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and scholarship,…
Name: Edward J. Hurley Interviewer: Joe P. Tupin Date Interviewed: 12/12/2005 Date Appointed: 1967 Date Retired: 1993 In this conversation Emeritus Professor Edward Hurley discusses his career…
Name: Hibbard E. Williams Interviewer: Joe P. Tupin Date Interviewed: 1/30/2001 Date Appointed: 1980 Date Retired: 1992 Department: internal medicine In this conversation , Emeritus Professor…
Name: Robert J. Bolt Interviewer: Hibbard E. Williams Date Interviewed: 2/10/2000 Date Appointed: 1966 Date Retired: 1997 Department: Internal Medicine In this conversation , Emeritus Professor…
"How will climate change induced warming affect Delta smelt?"