44:52duration 44 minutes 52 seconds
07:45duration 7 minutes 45 seconds
ECS 220 5b:6.6-1 Ladner's theorem, existence…
ECS 220 5b:6.6-1 Ladner's theorem, existence of NP-intermediate problems
05:08duration 5 minutes 8 seconds
ECS 220 3b:5.2-2 variants of Boolean…
ECS 220 3b:5.2-2 variants of Boolean satisfiability
05:29duration 5 minutes 29 seconds
ECS 120 8b:5 definition of the 3SAT problem
09:28duration 9 minutes 28 seconds
ECS 120 8a:4 implementation in Python and the…
ECS 120 8a:4 implementation in Python and the Boolean satisfiability problem