41:08duration 41 minutes 8 seconds
LAT 1 21 Sec 2 10-8 Recording
01:22:29duration 1 hour 22 minutes
Lunn Lecture - John Crowley - April 11, 2019
2018-19 Eugene Lunn Memorial Lecture John Crowley: “Transformations of History in Fiction” Sponsored by UC Davis History Department,with generous support from Michael Tennefoss …
15:47duration 15 minutes 47 seconds
Sarah Haughn (02-17-2017)
Carry It On: Antenatal Cell Sharing, or the Umbilical C(h)ord of Kakuya Shakur
20:28duration 20 minutes 28 seconds
Brandi Wilkins Catanese (02-17-2017)
Black Feminist Futurity: Mediations on the Performance of Black Motherhood
02:21:27duration 2 hours 21 minutes
NAS Responding to IndiVisble - Grounding Freedoms
November 15, 2014