Search for tag: "synapse"

Discussion Section 4 02-11-2022

Unfortunately was not able to capture video -- just audio. First 22 minutes is lecture recap, remaining time is discussion and working through Homework #6.

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From  Helen Lamb 0 likes 42 plays 0  

Exam 2 Review Session 2-12-2022

Timestamps: First 30 minutes we discussed the practice exam including questions on independent assortment in meiosis and how different drugs (agonists and antagonists) can affect neurotransmitter…

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From  Helen Lamb 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Prof. Hasler: Physical Neuromorphic Computing

Discussion of analog CMOS computation and parallels to biological neurons. Prof. Hasler points out that the exponential voltage controls found in MOS devices can be used to more accurately model…

From  Luis El Srouji 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Storer Lecture - Mingjie Zhang - 10-15-2019

"Understanding Brain Cell Communication--from a biochemistry perspective."

From  ATS Video 0 likes 132 plays 0