Search for tag: "vehicle"


The goal of this project is to develop an autonomous vehicle capable of navigating a race track. The vehicle uses a camera to detect track boundaries and steer accordingly. Key components include a…

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From  Arnav Suden 1 likes 18 plays 0  

EEC 195AB - Team6 SLAM and Autonomous Navigation Vehicle Design

EEC 195AB 2024 Team6 - Gabriel Castellanos, Raphael Bret-Mounet, and Adrien Salvador

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From  Adrien Salvador 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - The LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system (English 2024)

Instructions on how to install a car seat using the The LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system. The LATCH system was developed to make it easier to correctly install child safety seats…

+26 More
From  Jennifer Rubin 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Seat Belt Safety for Older Children (English 2024)

Video for parents and caregivers with information on when a child is ready to move from riding in a car seat to using a seat belt.

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From  Jennifer Rubin 0 likes 61 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Booster Seats for School-aged Children (English 2024)

Video for parents and caregivers showing how to fit and install a booster seat.

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From  Jennifer Rubin 0 likes 88 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Forward Facing Car Seats for Toddlers & Preschoolers (English 2024)

Video for parents and caregivers on how to fit and install a forward facing car seat. Children at least two years of age should ride in a forward facing car seat with a harness until they outgrow the…

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From  Jennifer Rubin 0 likes 104 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Rear Facing Seats for Infants and Toddlers (English 2024)

Video for parents and caregivers on how to fit and install rear facing car seats. Children should ride rear facing from birth to at least two years of age or until they outgrow the rear-facing…

+23 More
From  Jennifer Rubin 0 likes 224 plays 0  

Lecture 1: ABT 49 - Types of Tractors

Types of tractors and their associated components

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From  Daniel Frank 0 likes 155 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - The LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system

Instructions on how to install a car seat using the The LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system. The LATCH system was developed to make it easier to correctly install child safety seats…

+19 More
From  Christy Adams 0 likes 67 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Booster Seats for School-aged Children

Video for parents and caregivers showing how to fit and install a booster seat.

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From  Christy Adams 0 likes 235 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Forward Facing Car Seats for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Video for parents and caregivers on how to fit and install a forward facing car seat. Children at least two years of age should ride in a forward facing car seat with a harness until they outgrow the…

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From  Christy Adams 0 likes 175 plays 0  

Car Seat Safety - Rear Facing Seats for Infants and Toddlers

Video for parents and caregivers on how to fit and install rear facing car seats. Children should ride rear facing from birth to at least two years of age or until they outgrow the rear-facing…

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From  Christy Adams 0 likes 361 plays 0  

Project Lesson 3

AvenueE Transfer Bridge 2023 Project Lesson 3

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From  Shannon Long 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Senior design project eec195, team 12

Autonomous Vehicle Design Project group 12(Chris Chao, Jiagan Li, Yixin Ya, Mengyao Zhang) Line following, traffic light detection, obstacle avodicance.

From  Yixin Yan 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Katie Adams & Kevin Tang 5.4.22 IGN Seminar

Improving Diets Through Food Fortification: Modeling Micronutrient Contributions and Cost-Effectiveness in Malawi

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From  Maureen Phelan 0 likes 19 plays 0  

EAE-140: 2021-10-04 12:10

EAE-140 Lecture 2021-10-04 at 12:10

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From  Zahra Sadeghizadeh 0 likes 53 plays 0