Town Hall 6 Professor Ikemoto
From Kenneth Kaplan May 09, 2020
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Professor Lisa Ikemoto, UCD King Law School joined us for a discussion on issues related to bioethics, healthcare law and public policy as they pertain to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Ikemoto is a world-renowned expert in reproductive and genetic technology issues and health care disparities. She uses critical race feminism and interdisciplinary approaches to explore the ways in which race, gender, immigration status and class shape technology use and health care delivery. She has written about court-ordered cesareans, involuntary sterilization, effects of Catholic – non-Catholic hospital mergers on women’s health care, race and gender disparities in health care, the impact of the Affordable Care Act’s exclusion of abortion coverage on women of color, the fertility market’s dependence on inequality, CRISPR genetic modification technology, and emerging markets in human cells and tissues. Her current work examines emerging issues in regenerative medicine, including stem cell research, and the human tissues market.
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