02:02:29duration 2 hours 2 minutes
America and the States of Abortion: Abortion and…
America and the States of Abortion: Abortion and Law
Speakers: Katherine Florey, UC Davis School of Law Lisa Ikemoto, UC Davis School of Law Rana Jaleel, Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies Rebecca Kluchin, Sacramento State University Aaron…
52:02duration 52 minutes 2 seconds
Tea in Modern American and Japanese…
Tea in Modern American and Japanese History—Locating Economic, Cultural & Social ‘Value’
Professor Robert Hellyer, History, Wake Forest University
04:41duration 4 minutes 41 seconds
William Fleming 2022 WAC - Attacking the Yield…
William Fleming 2022 WAC - Attacking the Yield Plateau: Assessing Nutrient Status of Kentucky Alfalfa Stands
37:31duration 37 minutes 31 seconds
Kaltura Capture recording - August 9th 2022,…
Kaltura Capture recording - August 9th 2022, 2:25:54 pm