01:19:58duration 1 hour 19 minutes
Lecture 18b and 19 - Lecture 18b - Introduction…
Lecture 18b and 19 - Lecture 18b - Introduction to Biomes and Vegetation III + Energy and Planet Earth - ESM 120 (Winter 2021)
Final lecture on biomes and research-based…
01:07:08duration 1 hour 7 minutes
Lecture 17 - Introduction to Biomes and…
Lecture 17 - Introduction to Biomes and Vegetation II - ESM 120 (Winter 2021)
This is your guide speaking, and today begin our…
40:38duration 40 minutes 38 seconds
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Biomes and…
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Biomes and Vegetation - ESM 120 (Winter 2021)
Much like the flights of craft beer at a brewery…
20:51duration 20 minutes 51 seconds
eDNA Symposium - Rachel Meyer - Jan 29th 2020
CALeDNA Successes and Challenges