19:25duration 19 minutes 25 seconds
Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 4--Colors…
Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 4--Colors and Layering
This video is the fourth of 5 episodes on…
08:46duration 8 minutes 46 seconds
Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 3--Brushes…
Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 3--Brushes and Application Techniques
This video is the third of 5 episodes on creating…
08:58duration 8 minutes 58 seconds
Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 1
This video is the first of 5 episodes on creating…
45:31duration 45 minutes 31 seconds
EPS 131 Lecture 25 (Wildfires)