Search for tag: "cannabis"

POD Center Journal Club 11-17-22: Sperm DNA Methylation Alterations from Cannabis

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From  Anna Rosenbaum 0 likes 11 plays 0  

The endocannabinoid system

Prof Daniele Piomelli from University of California, Irvine speaks about the endocannabinoid neurotransmitter system

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From  John Yoder 0 likes 107 plays 0  

Cannabis cultivation

Dr. Robby Flannery from Dr Robb Farms talks about the latest advances in cannabis cultivation.

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From  John Yoder 0 likes 341 plays 0  

Cannabis ethnobotany

Professor Yoder from the Plant Sciences Department discusses the botany, evolution and ethnobotany of Cannabis sativa.

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From  John Yoder 1 likes 200 plays 0  

Cannabis genetics

Drs. Alisha Holloway and Jessica Kristof from Phylos Biosciences discuss the genetics and genomics of cannabis cultivars

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From  John Yoder 0 likes 192 plays 0  


Prof Philipp Zerbe from the Plant Biology Department at UCDavis describes the vast set of plant terpenes, their biosynthesis and their roles in plant-human interactions

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From  John Yoder 1 likes 406 plays 0  

Terry Murphy

In this conversation, Emeritus Professor Terry Murphy discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and scholarship,…

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From  Emeriti 0 likes 51 plays 0