Philip Martin discusses his new book, Bracero 2.0: Mexican Workers in North American Agriculture. Bracero 2.0 explores how Mexican-born workers came to dominate seasonal
farm workforces of the…
Bethany Qualls, PhD candidate in English Literature takes us on a tour of engravings involving tea tables from the 18th British text by William Hogarth, "A Harlot's Progress". From…
Transforming network problems with lower bounds. Transforming node-capacitated problems to arc-capacitated problems. Multi-commodity flow problems. notes-2020-11-06.pdf Videos and all other materials…
Lecture 8 Describes the operation of the clearinghouse. Prof. Carter uses the trade of a 100 oz. gold contract to explain the role and function of the clearinghouse in the market as an example.
This class covers the use of Stock-Trak website. Describes the origins of futures
and how the development of futures options reduced the seasonal price
swings of agricultural commodities and…
Lecture 2 continues the course introduction - explaining just what is a futures
contract and what are the four categories of futures contract. This
lecture also provides an introduction to an…
Lecture 1 starts with a broad outline of the course. Carter discusses the history and basic principles of futures markets.