01:21:36duration 1 hour 21 minutes
ECS20 - W22 - Lecture 5 (3T): Proofs
Online lecture from 1/19/2022. Sundry proofs,…
05:26duration 5 minutes 26 seconds
ECS 220 6c:7.2-4 Gödel’s…
ECS 220 6c:7.2-4 Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem (consistency)
06:36duration 6 minutes 36 seconds
ECS 220 6c:7.2-3 Gödel’s…
ECS 220 6c:7.2-3 Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem (soundness)
05:55duration 5 minutes 55 seconds
ECS 220 6c:7.2-2 From undecidable problems to…
ECS 220 6c:7.2-2 From undecidable problems to unprovable truths
06:00duration 6 minutes 0 seconds
ECS 220 6b:7.2-1 halting problem
03:08duration 3 minutes 8 seconds
ECS 220 6a:7.2-1 programming languages with…
ECS 220 6a:7.2-1 programming languages with interpreters have non-halting programs
09:09duration 9 minutes 9 seconds
ECS 120 10b:3 diagonalization to show the halting…
ECS 120 10b:3 diagonalization to show the halting problem is undecidable
06:47duration 6 minutes 47 seconds
ECS 120 9b:3 rejecting problem is undecidable
07:38duration 7 minutes 38 seconds
ECS 120 9b:2 empty language problem is undecidable
08:28duration 8 minutes 28 seconds
ECS 120 9b:1 acceptance problem is undecidable
15:57duration 15 minutes 57 seconds
ECS 120 9a:3 no-input halting problem is…
ECS 120 9a:3 no-input halting problem is undecidable
08:00duration 8 minutes 0 seconds
ECS 120 5b:9 pumping lemma proof that (01)n(10)n…
ECS 120 5b:9 pumping lemma proof that (01)n(10)n is not regular
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
ECS 120 5b:8 pumping lemma proof that 0i1j is not…
ECS 120 5b:8 pumping lemma proof that 0i1j is not regular
05:07duration 5 minutes 7 seconds
ECS 120 5b:7 pumping lemma proof that 1n2 is not…
ECS 120 5b:7 pumping lemma proof that 1n2 is not regular
02:31duration 2 minutes 31 seconds
ECS 120 5b:5 closure properties proof that equal…
ECS 120 5b:5 closure properties proof that equal zero-one is not regular
This is presenting the same material as in this…
07:43duration 7 minutes 43 seconds
ECS 120 5b:2 pumping lemma proof that 0n1n is not…
ECS 120 5b:2 pumping lemma proof that 0n1n is not regular