51:08duration 51 minutes 8 seconds
50:14duration 50 minutes 14 seconds
52:04duration 52 minutes 4 seconds
01:55:00duration 1 hour 55 minutes
EAE-140: 2021-10-06 12:10
EAE-140 Lecture 2021-10-06 at 12:10
01:54:59duration 1 hour 54 minutes
EAE-140: 2021-10-04 12:10
EAE-140 Lecture 2021-10-04 at 12:10
10:30duration 10 minutes 30 seconds
ECS 120 5b:3 more examples of using Myhill-Nerode…
ECS 120 5b:3 more examples of using Myhill-Nerode Theorem
04:24duration 4 minutes 24 seconds
ECS 120 5a:3 example of separating extension
05:26duration 5 minutes 26 seconds
ECS 220 6c:7.2-4 Gödel’s…
ECS 220 6c:7.2-4 Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem (consistency)
08:46duration 8 minutes 46 seconds
ECS 220 6b:7.2-2 showing problems are undecidable…
ECS 220 6b:7.2-2 showing problems are undecidable by reduction from halting problem
06:47duration 6 minutes 47 seconds
ECS 120 9b:3 rejecting problem is undecidable
07:38duration 7 minutes 38 seconds
ECS 120 9b:2 empty language problem is undecidable
08:28duration 8 minutes 28 seconds
ECS 120 9b:1 acceptance problem is undecidable
03:14duration 3 minutes 14 seconds
ECS 120 9a:4 recipe for showing undecidability
15:57duration 15 minutes 57 seconds
ECS 120 9a:3 no-input halting problem is…
ECS 120 9a:3 no-input halting problem is undecidable
12:19duration 12 minutes 19 seconds
ECS 120 4c:5 regex_s can simulate NFAs
06:41duration 6 minutes 41 seconds
ECS 120 4c:3 NFAs with isolated start and accept…
ECS 120 4c:3 NFAs with isolated start and accept state