Search for tag: "cooler"


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From  Kayla Ta 0 likes 81 plays

Conservation of Energy: The Center of the Physics Onion - Physics 7A lecture video 2

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From  Patrick Wells 0 likes 140 plays 0  

Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 4--Colors and Layering

This video is the fourth of 5 episodes on creating watercolor paintings that were created for use in Entomology 1: Art, Science and the World of Insects, produced by Diane Ullman, Professor of…

From  Diane Ullman 0 likes 87 plays 0  

PLS100BL Lab 3 Plant Responses to Temperature Experimental Demo

Experimental set up of seed germination for three species: melon, tomato, lettuce, at 8 different temperatures. We took pictures every day for 12 days for counting germinated seeds. These data are…

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From  Barbara Blanco-Ulate 0 likes 23 plays 0