Direction on Monosubstituted Benzenes, Direction on Multiply Substituted Benzenes, Converting O/P and M Directors, Synthesis with Benzenes, IUPAC Nomenclature of Aldehydes and Carbaldehydes
Name: Robert Kerr; Robert Franks; Stan Nosek Date Interviewed: 6/12/2013 Date Appointed: Kerr,1972; Nosek, 1976; Franks,1978 Date Retired: Kerr,2014; Nosek, 2010; Franks, 2005 Department:…
In this conversation, Emeritus Professor Andrew Gabor discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and scholarship,…
Name: Robert H Smiley Interviewer: Jerome J. Suran Date Interviewed: 1/6/2009 Date Appointed: 1989 Date Retired: 2006 In this conversation Emeritus Professor Robert Smiley discusses his…
Name: Hibbard E. Williams Interviewer: Joe P. Tupin Date Interviewed: 1/30/2001 Date Appointed: 1980 Date Retired: 1992 Department: internal medicine In this conversation , Emeritus Professor…
The 11th Annual UC Davis Study of California Women Business Leaders: A Census of Women Directors and Executive Officers
Sandy Weill, chairman emeritus, Citigroup, speaks at the
UC Davis Graduate School of Management commencement on June 14, 2014.
Mary Nichols, chair of the California Air Resources Board, is the June 13 commencement speaker at the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences on June 13 where 1,340 B.S. degrees…