Search for tag: "fluid"

SS2 7B Lecture 1 Recorded

Lecture 1 of Physics 7B SS2 2023

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From  Bobby Prater 0 likes 156 plays 0  

Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 1

This video is the first of 5 episodes on creating watercolor paintings that were created for use in Entomology 1: Art, Science and the World of Insects, produced by Diane Ullman, Professor of…

From  Diane Ullman 0 likes 144 plays 0  

03.29.21 - ECI 247L.mp4

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From  Christopher Cappa 0 likes 44 plays 0  

HYD151: Velocity Measurement, part 1

This 28-minute presentation introduces basic concepts governing water velocity in rivers that you'd want to know before trying to measure it.

From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Bruce Larock

In this conversation, Emeritus Professor Bruce Larock discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and scholarship,…

From  Emeriti 0 likes 109 plays 0  

Edmund M. Bernauer

In this conversation, Emeritus Professor Edmund Bernauer discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and…

From  Emeriti 0 likes 137 plays 0  

Steven Whitaker

Name: Steven Whitaker Interviewer: Alan P. Jackman Date Interviewed: 12/7/2006 Date Appointed: 1962 Date Retired: 2004 Department: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science In this…

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From  Emeriti 0 likes 132 plays 0