In this informational panel presentation, hear from three perspectives on the health impacts and addiction related to vaping. Christy D’Ambrosio, a mother whose son was hospitalized in critical…
In this informational presentation, Kim Homer Vagadori, Project Director for the California Youth Advocacy Network, discusses how e-cigarettes, vapes, JUUL, and Sorens, are changing the landscape of…
The first DOLCE of the quarter
prompted thoughtful discussions about how faculty use technology in
their classrooms to support teacher presence as well as to make grading
Chancellor May and the Aggie Heroes join in a celebration to kick off the new
academic school year for all of our Aggie community including staff,
faculty, students, new students and Davis…
Sustainable Future Panels 2 Coexistence of Commercial Fisheries and Aquaculture
The UC Davis Fashion and Design Society presents the 2019 Picnic Day
Fashion Show, “Seams Unreal.” The annual runway show features fashion
created and executed by Department of Design…
Dr. Jorge Garcia, Interim Faculty Director of Office of Student and Resident Diversity and Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor in Department of Internal Medicine, gives the keynote address…
CCBP Hopeful Healing Seminar with Raychel Kubby-Adler 04-18-2019