01:31:17duration 1 hour 31 minutes
Provost's Public Forum for the Social Good…
Provost's Public Forum for the Social Good 2012-13: Michael Burawaoy 10-12-12
10-12-12 Michael Burawaoy. October 15, 2012
01:30:33duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Provost's Public Forum for the Social Good 2012-13: Geiger 2-8-13
February 8, 2013 - "The Past and Future of the Innovative University" by Roger Geiger. February 8, 2013
03:48:52duration 3 hours 48 minutes
Provost's Public Forum for the Social Good 2012-13: Panel 2-22-13
"Making the 'People's University:' Exploring the Civic Mission of Public Land Grant Universities and Cooperative Extension. Presentations by Scott J. Peters, Rose Hayden-Smith,…