Search for tag: "lists"

Dr Andy Jones' preview video for the 4/5/2024 DOLCE featuring Victoria Cross and Rob Furrow

Watch the full recording of the event.

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From  Andy Jones 0 likes 7 plays 0  

ECS-235A, October 19, 2022

ECS-235A, Lecture 13, October 19, 2022

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 37 plays 0  

ECS 235A Fall Quarter 2021, Lecture 13, October 20, 2021

This is the video of the thirteenth lecture. It's crude as I made it from my laptop, as the room has no video recording. Ah, well . . .

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 20 plays 0  

ECS 153, Spring 2021; Lecture #24; May 21, 2021

ECS 153 Spring 2021. Computer Security. This covers ACLs, C-Lists, locks and keys, secret sharing, and begins rings. The video begins at 1:42 from the beginning.

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 70 plays 0  

ECS 235B, Winter 2021; Lecture #15; February 8, 2021

Foundations of Computer and Information Security. This finishes discussion of the Chinese Wall model, and covers the CISS and ORCON models. The class starts at 8:55 into the video.

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 25 plays 0  

MHI 289I, Fall 2020, Lecture #10

This is a recording of the tenth lecture, made by Zoom.

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 18 plays 0  

MHI 289I, Fall 2020, Lecture #9

This is a recording of the ninth lecture, made by Zoom.

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Literacy Sponsorship

Return to your Canvas course to find the link for your Literacy Sponsor Padlet so you can add your own list. Literacy Sponsor Slideshow Link

+19 More
From  Mandy Proctor 0 likes 1,967 plays

interlude 2, video 1, Music 107B

routing data from external MIDI controllers

+19 More
From  Sam Nichols 0 likes 18 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-02-13 11:00 C++ Double linked list remove, inheritance

ECS40 Lecture 2015-02-13 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 910 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-02-11 11:00 C++ Linked lists continued, double linked lists

ECS40 Lecture 2015-02-11 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 1,010 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-02-09 11:00 C++ Linked Lists continued.

ECS40 Lecture 2015-02-09 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 1,108 plays 0