This talk was given at the 2023 Summer Institute…
ECS-036A Lecture 2023-05-31 at 13:07
ECS-036A Lecture 2023-05-26 at 13:07
ECS-036A Lecture 2023-05-10 at 13:07
ECS-036A Lecture 2023-04-19 at 13:07
Lecture 2022-02-17. Using the Fundamental Theorem…
More about sets. Powerset of a set. Cross…
NOTE: "Typo" in what I wrote on one…
Basics of sets. The only basic vocabulary is \in…
Videos and all other materials are copyright 2021…
This is the video of the third lecture. It's…
ECS 153, Computer Security. This presents the…
ECS 153, Spring 2021. Computer Security. This…