40:20duration 40 minutes 20 seconds
IGN - Christine Stewart - Nov. 6, 2019
IGN lecture with Christine Stewart - - Effect of eggs on child growth and development: results from the Mazira Project Randomized Controlled Trial
14:00duration 14 minutes 0 seconds
2019 Commencement Speaker - Ralph Hexter - May…
2019 Commencement Speaker - Ralph Hexter - May 24, 2019
Provost and Executive Vice-Chancellor Ralph Hexter, UC Davis' chief academic officer, gives an address at the 68th annual commencement ceremony of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, May…
51:28duration 51 minutes 28 seconds
PICN Seminar - Kathryn Dewey - January 9, 2019
58:32duration 58 minutes 32 seconds
Book Project - Forum at MC - Raj Patel…
Book Project - Forum at MC - Raj Patel (03-13-2017)
Setting the Table for 9 Billion: Sustainability and Food Security for 2050. Panel discussion.
52:09duration 52 minutes 9 seconds
PICN - Shawn Baker 10-05-2016
Reflections on getting to SDG2
54:53duration 54 minutes 53 seconds
The Sustainable Development Goals: where does…
The Sustainable Development Goals: where does nutrition fit in?
Presented by Christine P. Stewart, MPH, PhD.