Search for tag: "mils"

VEN123L Video 4.2 - Sulfur Dioxide: Aeration-Oxidation

How do you analyze free SO2 by Aeration-Oxidation? How does the method work; what's the underlying chemistry? How is the volume of titrant (NaOH) used to calculate the concentration of SO2…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 1,638 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 4.1 - Sulfur Dioxide: Ripper

What is the Ripper method for SO2 analysis? How similar or different is this from the analysis of titratable acidity? How is the volume of titrant (iodine) used to calculate the concentrations of SO2…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 2,360 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 1.6 - Describing Data - Uncertainty

How sure are we of our measurements? Are they true, correct, or both? How can we convey our level of confidence in our measurements? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not distribute without permission…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 310 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 5.2 - Free Alpha-Amino Nitrogen - Calibration

What is calibration? How do we prepare standards for external calibration and how do we make a calibration curve? How do we give the spectrophotometer a baseline, to measure just what we're…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 635 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 3.3 - Titratable Acidity: Standardization

How can we check that our titration is accurate? What is traceability? What is dimensional analysis? How can we check the concentration of our titrant, sodium hydroxide? How do we calculate the…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 1,030 plays 0