Speaker: Rev. Sharon Risher, Spokesperson, Everytown Survivor Network
UC Davis - Campus Community Book Project
Institute for Global Nutrition (IGN) - Lecture by Lindsay Allen - Maternal vitamin B12 status
and lactation: observations and interventions.
Ananta Sen, candidate for the degree Master of Business Administration, gives one of the student addresses at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management commencement ceremony, June 15th, 2019 at the…
The 37th annual commencement ceremony of the UC Davis Graduate School of Management, June15th, 2019 at the Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts, on the UC Davis campus.
Faith Genove, candidate for the degree of Master of Health Services-Physician Assistant Studies Program, gives one
of the student addresses at the inaugural commencement ceremony of the
UC Davis…
Troy Nunley, United States District Judge for Eastern District of California, gives the keynote address at the 51st annual commencement of the UC Davis School of Law, May 18th, 2019, at the Robert…
Dr. Robby Flannery from Dr Robb Farms talks about the latest advances in cannabis cultivation.
Sister Simone Campbell, JD '77, gives the commencement address at the UC Davis School of Law on May 20, 2017
UC Davis Graduate School of Management commencement ceremony, June 17, 2017
Carry It On: Antenatal Cell Sharing, or the Umbilical C(h)ord of Kakuya Shakur